What Are Capital Gains

What Are Capital Gains

What are capital gains? And how are they taxed?

So you’ve decided to part ways with your investment property? Whether it’s a cozy condo or a sprawling mansion, selling real estate can be a lucrative endeavor. But before you celebrate your windfall, there’s one pesky detail to navigate: capital gains taxes.

First things first: what are real estate capital gains?

Simply put, it’s the profit you make when you sell your property for more than you paid for it. So, if you bought a charming fixer-upper for $200,000 and flipped it for a cool $300,000, your capital gain would be $100,000. But hold your horses before you book that Maldives trip – Uncle Sam wants his share of the pie.

How are real estate capital gains taxed?

The good news is real estate capital gains are generally taxed at lower rates than your regular income. But as with any financial adventure, there are twists and turns:

Holding period: This is the key! Did you hold onto the property for more than a year? If so, you’re eligible for the sweet land of long-term capital gains. Hold it for less than a year, and you’ll face short-term capital gains, taxed at your ordinary income tax rate (oof!).
Tax brackets: Remember those? Just like regular income, your long-term capital gains are taxed based on your filing status and income bracket. Consult the handy chart below to see where you fall:

Filing Status

Taxable Income

Long-Term Capital Gains Rate


Up to $41,775



$41,775 – $89,075



$89,075 – $501,600



Above $501,600

20% + 3.8% Medicare surtax

Married Filing Jointly

Up to $83,550


Married Filing Jointly

$83,550 – $178,150


Married Filing Jointly

$178,150 – $647,850


Married Filing Jointly

Above $647,850

20% + 3.8% Medicare surtax

Exclusions: Did you live in the property as your primary residence for at least two of the five years before selling? You might be eligible for the home sale exclusion, which allows you to exclude up to $250,000 ($500,000 if married filing jointly) of your capital gain from taxes.

Tips for real estate investors

Depreciation can be your friend: The IRS allows you to deduct a portion of the property’s value for wear and tear, reducing your taxable income and, consequently, your capital gains tax.
Keep those records tidy: Hold onto every receipt, purchase agreement, and improvement invoice related to the property. These will be crucial when calculating your capital gain and claiming any deductions.
Seek professional help: Navigating the intricacies of real estate taxes can be complex. Consider consulting a tax advisor or accountant for personalized guidance.Remember, this blog is just a starting point. Always consult a qualified tax professional for specific advice and calculations. But hopefully, you now have a clearer picture of what real estate capital gains are and how they’re taxed. So, go forth, sell your property with confidence, and remember knowledge is power (and can save you a hefty chunk of change)!
Now, go out there and build your real estate empire, but always remember to pay your taxes like a responsible (and informed) investor!

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